Job description

Cyber Security Engineer

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A cyber security engineer is responsible for developing and implementing security measures to protect an organization’s computer networks and systems. He or she designs and builds security systems, and also plans and carries out security audits. In addition, a cyber security engineer researches new security technologies and trends and keeps up to date with the latest security developments.


  • 5+ years of experience integrating and managing security platforms in corporate environments or developing secure enterprise business applications.
  • 3+ years of experience with at least one high level programming language. (e.g., Python, Go, Java, JavaScript, etc.)
  • 1+ years of experience building, operating, or maintaining Kubernetes or other container management platforms.
  • 3+ years of experience working with security by design principles, architecture level concepts, security frameworks (NIST and PCI), OWASP, etc.
  • 1+ years of experience integrating security tools into CI/CD pipelines and collaborating with DevOps and application development teams.
  • 5+ years of experience in a role that requires written and verbal communication with customers.
  • An Associate's Degree or equivalent experience.

Additional Technical Skills:
• Understanding of Azure native security services and best practices
• Strong knowledge of threat modelling and risk assessment technologies or frameworks

Non-technical skills:
• Able to manage ambiguity
• Collaboration and team skills with a focus on cross-functional collaboration
• Verbal and written communication skills