How to Recruit Software Engineers on GitHub

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If you have ever tried to find a software engineer on GitHub, you know that it can be a challenge. It's true that many engineers use it to showcase their work and demonstrate their skills, but not all of them. In fact, there are also plenty of other ways for recruiters to find talent on the platform -- some of which we'll discuss below. With these tips in mind, however, let's take a look at exactly how you can use GitHub to make your next hire as easy as possible.

Recruiting software engineers to work on your team is a challenging task, especially if you are looking for candidates outside of your geographic area. Most people would assume that finding these potential employees is only possible through a large-scale marketing campaign and leveraging connections within the industry. However, there are other options available to recruiters who know where to look: GitHub!

1. Find candidates who are engaged in the Open Source community.

You should be able to tell if someone is active in the open source community by looking at their profile on GitHub or another website that tracks such information. If you see someone has opened a pull request on an open source project, or has contributed code (even if it's just fixing a typo) then it's likely that they're going to be a good fit for your team because they've already contributed something valuable to the community and may also have some ideas about how to improve things at your company too.

2. Find candidates who are popular on GitHub.

By looking at the number of stars a candidate's repository has, you can get a sense of its popularity. If a candidate is not only active on GitHub but has also made highly popular repositories, they are likely to have more experience than someone who has fewer repositories or whose contributions aren't so well-respected.

It's important to note that just because someone has many followers doesn't mean that their code quality will be good—you'll want to take some time reviewing their code and making sure it's up to your standards before making an offer!

3. Find candidates who have lots of followers on GitHub.

GitHub users with lots of followers are more likely to be active in the community and therefore more engaged. The more engaged they are, the better job they will do for you. The first step is to find people who have lots of followers on GitHub.

4. Find candidates who follow a lot of people on GitHub.

One of the best ways to get a sense of someone's popularity on GitHub is by looking at how many people they follow. The more people they follow, the more active they are. It's also a good indication of their skill level and how much time they spend on GitHub. If you're looking for someone who cares about open source software, then following other people who write code can help you find them!

5. Find candidates who contribute to Open Source projects on GitHub.

When recruiting software engineers, look to see if they have contributed to Open Source projects on GitHub. You can find candidates with the right skills by looking at the number of contributions they have made to Open Source projects. You can also look at the number of stars on their repo, which indicates how popular an engineer is in their community and how much demand there is for them.

6. Check their code for quality and skill level.

There are a number of ways to check the quality and skill level of code, but some are better than others. For example, if you're looking at their GitHub profile, you could try searching for "open source" in their repositories. If they've published any open source software, then this will show up first on their profile page (unless it's hidden).

Another great way to assess both quality and skill level is by checking out their commit history: How many commits have they made? Do they have a lot of highly rated comments? Are there any technical issues that need fixing before the code can be merged into another project? These kinds of things can give you an idea about whether or not someone is actually serious about software engineering as a career path - which helps narrow down potential candidates much faster than just looking at how many years experience someone has under their belt or how many languages they know!

7. Finding potential candidates for your software engineering team is easy if you know the right places to look.

Finding the right candidates is one of the most important pieces of a successful software engineering team. Finding good candidates can be hard, but it's not impossible. There are many great places to find potential candidates for your team including online communities and job boards. But one place you should definitely include in your search is GitHub, an online repository where developers can share code with each other. Why?

GitHub has over 20 million users and more than 70 million repositories (or "repos"), making it easy to find talented engineers who might be a good fit for your company’s needs. Also, because GitHub uses git version control software (also called GVCS), it helps ensure that all code is stored in an organized way so that teams can easily collaborate on projects together and always have access to updated versions of their work whenever they need them!

How to get recruited as a software developer

1. Create a profile

Creating a profile is the best way to showcase your experience and skills.

Add your resume, projects, contributions, blog posts and educational history to your profile. You can also add any other relevant information such as skills or interests that might help you stand out in the crowd of applicants. This can be done by clicking on "My Profile" at the top right of your github page:

2. Build a reputation in the community

  • Contribute to open source.
  • Contribute to public repos.
  • Create your own public repos.
  • Contribute to popular repos and add your own ideas for improvement or new features, which can help you attract attention from developers looking for more challenging projects that fit their specific skill sets.

3. Build your own projects

You can build your own projects. You might have an idea for a project that you'd like to work on, or perhaps you want to implement something from one of our tutorials. If you decide to take this route, we strongly recommend that you keep your scope small and manageable—this is not the time to try building a new operating system!

However, there's another option: instead of building a project from scratch, why not add some functionality onto an existing open source project? This is often easier than building it yourself because all the heavy lifting has already been taken care of by someone else (thanks!). Make sure that whatever codebase you choose has good documentation so that others can follow along with what's going on in their checkout history too!

4. Contribute to open source projects

Contributing to open source projects is the best way to build a reputation and demonstrate your skills.  Contributing to open source projects can be used on your resume as well as in interviews.

5. Add your projects and contributions to your resume

For example, if you're a software engineer who also creates art, include this in your resume. If you've written for a blog, list it. If you've given talks at conferences or meetups, list them too! Make sure that you have one or two lines about each project; enough so that someone can get an idea of what it's about and how long it took for you to complete it (and why).

If there are any awards or accolades associated with any of these projects—such as being listed in the top 10 contributors on GitHub—make sure they are included as well. These are all things that help give potential employers insight into who they'll be hiring.

6. Using GitHub is a skill that looks good on your resume

As you might imagine, GitHub is a place for developers to collaborate on code. But it's also a great way to build a reputation for your skills and find jobs in the field.

By creating an account and making some commits to existing projects (or even creating your own), you can start building up your profile. As with most things in life, people who have been around longer (and therefore have more experience) tend to be held in higher esteem by their peers; while this may seem unfair at times, it's just how things work in professional settings where people are trying hard not only to get ahead but also stay there or move further up the ladder. You'll attract attention if you show initiative early on by contributing positively without being asked first—in other words: don't expect someone else's project will magically materialize just because yours does!


We hope this guide has given you a better idea of how to find candidates who are engaged in the Open Source community, popular on GitHub, and have lots of followers. We also took some time to explain why these skills are important for software engineers. If you want more information on other recruitment tactics, please read through our other blog posts.

On the other hand, If you have a software engineering background, you can leverage it on GitHub. The website has become a go-to for many companies looking to hire new talent and is often used as part of the interview process. By creating an account and adding projects that demonstrate your skills, you’ll be able to stand out from other candidates who aren't using this resource.

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