How to Write a Resume to Land your Dream Job!

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A resume is the first impression you make to a potential employer. It provides an overview of your skills and experience, and gives an indication of how well you will perform in the job. A good resume will convey all of this information in a concise manner that’s easy for someone to read quickly.

What is the importance of a resume?

You might be thinking, “College was the last time I had to write a resume. Why do I need one now?” A resume is an important tool in today's competitive job market. It allows employers to see your skills and experience in a condensed format before they meet you face-to-face. Having the ability to write a great resume can help differentiate yourself from other applicants and land you that dream job!

A well written resume should be able to capture the attention of potential employers immediately by showcasing key points about yourself as well as your personality traits that would make you an ideal fit for their organization.

Keep it Simple

  • Use a single page resume and make sure the font is big enough to read. Avoid complex formatting, such as italicized text or fancy borders.
  • Be brief and to the point. You should only include information that's relevant to your job history, especially if you're just starting out in your career path or if you have limited work experience. If there are any gaps in your employment history (for example, if you've taken some time off for graduate school), be sure to explain them briefly but effectively so that hiring managers know what happened during those times on paper as well as in person should they ask why there are gaps in employment listed on their resumes!
  • Use bullets sparingly: Bullets are great stylistic elements when they're used sparingly—but don't use too many of them! You don't want readers' eyes glazing over when they try reading through an entire page full of bullet points because then they might not even bother reading anything else on there either so remember that less is definitely more when it comes time drafting up those final touches into creating an effective resume design scheme."

Use tools and online resume builders

You can use tools and online resume builders to help you write your resume. For example, you could use the 'Resume Builder' tool on to create a new resume that is specific to each job application. This lets you add different skills, qualifications, hobbies and other details that are relevant for each position.

You can also use an online builder like Resumonk's free tool which will generate a personalized template based on your previous work experience as well as your education history (if applicable). The templates are fully customizable with many design options available for font size, color scheme and layout of content sections such as career summary or objectives section.

Be concise when it comes to explaining your experience, and be quantitative!

One of the biggest mistakes job seekers make is including irrelevant information in their resume. For example, if you are applying for a position as an accountant, don't describe how good you are at playing cards or softball as a hobby. This kind of personal detail has no relevance to your ability to do the job at hand and is not useful for potential employers who might be reading over your resume.

Use this rule when writing about any experience that isn't directly related to the position you're applying for: only include it if it's relevant to both the company and yourself!

You also need to be concise when explaining why each part of your background makes you an excellent candidate for a given job. If possible, try using numbers whenever possible—this helps establish credibility while also making sure that everything on paper reads smoothly and clearly (and avoids clunkiness).

Start by writing down your contact information.

Make sure your resume is up to date.

List your contact information. Include your full name, address, phone number and email address. You should also consider including a link or QR code that takes employers directly to a professional social media page if you have one (like LinkedIn). If you do this, make sure it’s easy to find on each of these platforms so they don't have trouble locating it!

Consider adding a resume photo.

If you're applying to jobs that require an interview, you might want to include a resume photo. While it's not required by employers, it can help in the selection process and give potential employers a good impression of who you are.

If going professional, consider using a headshot from your LinkedIn profile or one from your portfolio website (if applicable). If you have no other options, take some time beforehand to find a flattering selfie or two. You can also use images of yourself with friends or doing something fun like playing sports or performing on stage. Avoid pictures where there's too much distance between your face and the camera lens: these can make people appear unapproachable and cold as they won't show off any details about how they look up close!

Develop a personal brand statement.

You’ll want to develop a personal brand statement, which should be no longer than three sentences. Include it at the top of your resume or website. Your statement should include what makes you unique as an applicant and why you’re a great fit for the job.

For example:

I am an innovative content marketer with strong copywriting skills who thrives in fast-paced environments. I bring a wealth of experience from working on several large brands, including [insert name]. My ability to think outside the box has allowed me to consistently drive results for my clients by providing them with customized solutions that align with their business goals.

List your most recent experience first.

When writing your resume, it is important to list your most recent experience first. Include only relevant information about yourself or your work history. Don't feel like you need to include every detail; simply include enough information for the reader to understand why you are qualified for the position at hand. Occasional use of bold typeface can help break up blocks of text and draw attention to key words (for example: "Focused on" or "Achieved").

Look for keywords in the job descriptions.

If you want to know what the employer is looking for, use the job description as a guide. Look for keywords in the job descriptions and include those terms in your resume. For example, if a company mentions that they want someone who has experience with Adobe Photoshop, make sure you highlight this skill on your resume. You can use Google or another search engine to find out which skills are important for a particular role or industry and then tailor your resume accordingly.

Consistency is key.

Maintain the same font and style throughout the document, and use a page header at the top of each page that includes your last name and page number.

If you’re using a resume template or program that has default formatting settings, be sure to review them to ensure they match your preferences.

Use bullet points to list skills, experience and accomplishments.

When you're listing your skills and experiences, you want to make sure they're presented in a way that's easy for the hiring manager to read. Bullet points are an efficient way to do this.

In addition to bulleted lists, you can also use bolded text or italicized words when necessary. But make sure that these additions don't distract from the rest of your resume; if they do, it might be better if they were removed completely.

Choose one font and size so that there won't be any confusion about how big or small everything is on your resume. For example, a serif font like Times New Roman works best because it's easier for people with less experience reading fonts (like recruiters) than something more modern like Helvetica Neue Light (which may have been designed more for web pages than documents). You'll also want to be consistent with where in each section of your resume certain pieces of information go—for example, never put contact information above an introductory paragraph about yourself but rather always after it!

Make sure to always list your most recent education first.

Listing your most recent education first is important. Include any post-secondary education you have completed, including national vocational qualifications such as certificates of secondary education or occupational certificates (if applicable).

Keep it concise and avoid text boxes!

Include only relevant information about yourself or your work history and don’t feel like you need to include every detail. Occasional use of bold typeface can help break up blocks of text and draw attention to key words, but keep it minimal.

Include bullet points to list skills, experience and accomplishments.


A good resume can be the difference between going on interviews and not having any opportunities. The main thing you have to remember when creating your resume is to keep it simple. Make sure that your information is clear and easy to read, and that you use tools or online resume builders to help organize everything into a readable format.  Writing a resume is not easy. It takes time, effort and patience. The process can be overwhelming at times but it’s well worth it when you finally land your dream job!

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