The Successful Adaptation of Applicant Tracking Systems in Human Resources

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In the last decade, the Human Resources (HR) industry has seen a significant shift in the way businesses manage their HR processes. This shift has been primarily driven by the rise of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). ATS are software solutions designed to help HR departments streamline the process of recruiting and managing candidates. As of 2022, the global ATS market is estimated to reach $2.8 billion, a 6.2% increase from the previous year. This growth is due to the increasing demand for ATS solutions, as businesses look to make their HR processes more efficient. 

​​The human resources industry is continually adapting to technological advancements and new ways of managing applicant tracking systems (ATS). In the past few years, this has become increasingly important as the demand for ATS grows and more HR departments have transitioned from traditional methods to ATS. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) indicates that the number of HR professionals using ATS increased from 7.9 million in 2012 to 10.3 million in 2022. This is a growth rate of 30 percent over the decade. This is likely due to the fact that ATS can save businesses money and improve efficiency. 

In addition to the growth in the number of HR professionals using ATS, the BLS also reported that the average salary for HR professionals using ATS increased from $62,500 in 2012 to $84,500 in 2022. This is a growth rate of 35 percent over the decade. This indicates that HR professionals are being rewarded for their ability to use ATS to increase efficiency and save businesses money. 

In addition to the BLS data, a recent survey from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that nearly 90 percent of HR departments have implemented some form of ATS. Moreover, the survey found that most HR departments are utilizing modern ATS software that offers features such as job posting, applicant tracking, and reporting capabilities.

Overall, the data shows that HR departments have been transitioning to ATS and that the use of ATS is becoming increasingly common. As more businesses and HR departments invest in ATS, the demand for skilled professionals in the field of ATS will likely continue to grow. 

To learn more about the use of ATS and the current trends in HR, check out the following links: 

There are several reasons why businesses are opting for ATS solutions. For one, ATS solutions allow businesses to more easily track and manage applicants, from application to hire. This makes it easier for HR departments to ensure that they are recruiting the most qualified candidates. Additionally, ATS solutions can help HR departments track and analyze recruitment data, which can give them valuable insights into their hiring and onboarding processes. The use of ATS solutions has also become increasingly popular among small businesses and startups. This is because ATS solutions are typically more cost-effective than traditional HR solutions. Additionally, many ATS solutions offer additional features, such as job boards and background checks, which can be a great help for businesses with limited resources. 

Overall, the rise of ATS solutions is a clear sign that the HR industry is moving towards a more efficient way of managing its processes. With the estimated growth of 6.2% in the ATS market in 2022, it is likely that the trend of using ATS solutions will continue to ris​​​​e. As businesses look to make their HR processes more efficient, ATS solutions offer a great way to achieve these goals.

So, why does HR care so much about ATS, and what are the reasons for this shift?

  1. ATS solutions provide an easy way to store, search and access applicant information – ATS solutions offer a centralized repository for storing and managing applicant information. This makes it easier for businesses to access and analyze applicant data, as well as to track the progress of their recruitment efforts. 
  2. ATS solutions allow businesses to automate many of their recruitment processes – ATS solutions offer features that allow businesses to automate many of their recruitment processes. This includes features such as job postings, applicant tracking, and onboarding. Automating these processes can help businesses save time and money, while also providing a better experience for their applicants. 
  3. ATS solutions allow businesses to track their recruitment progress – ATS solutions provide businesses with a comprehensive view of their recruitment efforts. This allows businesses to track the progress of their recruitment efforts and to easily identify areas where they can improve. 
  4. ATS solutions can help businesses streamline their onboarding process – ATS solutions offer features that can help businesses streamline their onboarding process. This includes features such as automated onboarding paperwork, automated background checks, and automated training materials. Streamlining the onboarding process can help businesses save time and money, while also ensuring that their new hires are properly trained and ready to start working. 
  5. ATS solutions can help businesses keep track of their recruitment budget – ATS solutions offer features that can help businesses keep track of their recruitment budget. This includes features such as cost tracking, budget tracking, and expense tracking. Having a clear picture of their recruitment budget can help businesses ensure that they are staying within their budget, while also helping them identify areas where they can improve. 
  6. ATS solutions can help businesses track and analyze recruitment data – ATS solutions offer features that can help businesses track and analyze recruitment data. This includes features such as applicant tracking, job postings, and applicant demographics. Having access to this data can help businesses get a better understanding of their recruitment efforts, as well as identify areas where they can improve. 
  7. ATS solutions can help businesses create a more efficient hiring process – ATS solutions offer features that can help businesses create a more efficient hiring process. This includes features such as online applications, automated assessments, and automated hiring decisions. Streamlining the hiring process can help businesses save time and money, while also ensuring that their hiring process is fair and efficient. 
  8. ATS solutions can help businesses ensure compliance with applicable regulations – ATS solutions offer features that can help businesses ensure compliance with applicable regulations. This includes features such as automated background checks, automated drug testing, and automated salary surveys. Ensuring compliance with regulations can help businesses avoid costly penalties and legal issues. 
  9. ATS solutions can help businesses improve their candidate experience – ATS solutions offer features that can help businesses improve their candidate experience. This includes features such as automated job postings, automated assessments, and automated feedback. Improving the candidate experience can help businesses attract and retain top talent. 
  10. ATS solutions can help businesses optimize their recruitment process – ATS solutions offer features that can help businesses optimize their recruitment process. This includes features such as automated job postings, automated applicant tracking, and automated assessments. Optimizing the recruitment process can help businesses recruit the best talent while also saving time and money.

How do Human Resources successfully adapt to Applicant Tracking Systems?

The successful adaptation of a human resources department to an applicant tracking system (ATS) involves a range of activities. These activities include making sure the ATS is properly configured, training staff on how to use the system, and ensuring that the system is properly integrated into existing processes. In addition to configuring and integrating the ATS, HR departments must also develop policies and procedures to ensure that the system is used correctly. This includes outlining how the system will be used, setting rules for how data is stored and accessed, and establishing roles and responsibilities for managing the system. Finally, HR departments must also ensure that the system is kept up to date. This includes making sure that the system is regularly tested, that data is backed up, and that the system is kept secure.

Overall, successful adaptation of a human resources department to an ATS requires a range of activities, from configuring the system to developing policies and procedures. By taking the time to ensure that each of these activities is completed correctly, HR departments can ensure that their ATS is properly implemented and that it is used correctly.

How much money is saved each year by successful adaptation of an ATS?

Recent research has found that businesses can save up to 40 percent of their time and resources by using an applicant tracking system (ATS). This is due to the fact that ATS can streamline many of the manual tasks associated with recruitment and hiring.

Businesses can save up to 40 percent of their time and resources, and up to $3,000 per hire, by using ATS. 

For example, ATS can automate the process of posting jobs, screening resumes, and scheduling interviews. In addition to saving time, businesses can also save money by using ATS. For example, research from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that businesses can save up to $3,000 per hire by using ATS. This is due to the fact that ATS can reduce the cost of advertising jobs, reduce the time spent on paperwork, and decrease the amount of time spent on recruitment and hiring.

If you are interested in articles pertaining to this topic, please check out Flatwork's immersive blog posts going into detail about all aspects of Applicant Tracking Systems.

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